How We Can Help You

You have understanding friends waiting for you.

Life shifts after a cancer diagnosis. Priorities change. Relationships adjust. Doctor visits can overwhelm.

Life also shifts after survival and recovery. The world is just…different, after you or your loved one have rung the bell.

That’s where we come in. At A Time to Heal, our mission is to provide support, education and empowerment so that cancer survivors and their caregivers may create their very best lives.

The magic of A Time to Heal is that we’ve been there. We get it. You have friends here waiting to hear your story, to listen to your fears, to understand your battle.

Better yet, we have answers. And generous donors who also understand make it possible for you to join us at no cost to you.

A Time to Heal offers free holistic wellness recovery classes to help cancer survivors and caregivers regain their physical, emotional, and spiritual health after cancer treatment. It’s that simple. We understand, and we are here for you.

The sooner you join us, the faster you can life back on track.